January 18, 2011

Monday Mingle 1/18/11

Monday Mingle is hosted by EightyMPHMom  please check out her mingle and those of others and link on up!  It's fun peeps!


  1. hey hey u mingled!!!
    just in time for another mingle...today...heh-heh.
    Well I am commenting sun nite...lol.
    I liked family ties too.
    i agree there are a ton of shows our kids should not watch these days...*sigh*

  2. Hello! I apologize for not commenting sooner :( but I am so happy you mingled!

    I'm glad you are up for a challenge - I'll have to think of something good.

    Matt sounds so nice - if only there were more people like that in the world...

    Cosby Show is a good one - I loved that!

    Yep - the older shows were just good, clean, fun. Today's shows are not the same at all...

    Hope you will mingle again!
